Wood Puzzles Imported from England. The finest quality at an affordable price.
Luncheon of The Boating Party |
Last Minute Christmas Flurry |
Tulips and Roses |
Venice Canal |

140 pieces $20.00 Artist - Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919)

500 pieces $79.95

500 pieces $79.95

500 pieces $79.95
Winter At The Farm |
Sea Turtle in the Corrals |
Apples and Grapes by Monet |
Butterflies Birds and Flowers |

500 pieces $79.95

500 pieces $79.95 Artist - unknown

500 pieces $79.95 Artist - Monet

500 pieces $79.95 Artist - unknown
Jazz Band |
Rainy Day in Paris |

500 pieces $79.95 Artist - unknown

500 pieces $79.95 Artist - unknown
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